Monday, March 22, 2010

"The Sikhism and the Sikhs" by Lili Van Heers, an author from Belgium

Lili Van Heers ,an author of the Book "The Sikhism and the Sikhs"

Lili Van Heers studied Germanic Philology at the K. U. Leuven. She taught Sikhism more than thirty years ago in Asia . Since then she has lived with/among the Sikhs. She is an author of the book "The Sikhism and the Sikhs" (2008, published in-house, see Coverage in MO * by Gie Goris Editor).

In the Interdisciplinary Study Center Religion & Interfaith Dialogue ,she delievered a lecturer on "The role of religious music in Sikhism"as part of ICRID Lectures cycle "Believing in the Society" on 18th March 2010 in the Maria Theresia College, Faculty of Theology,Leuven.Belgium.

Given the relative unfamiliarity of Sikhism in Belgium, she briefly discussed the origin and historical evolution of the Sikhism & about the holy scripture, the Guru Granth Sahib and paid special attention to the characteristic of the ritual texts dealing with some of the Guru Grant Sahib is recited.

Her lecture was very well received by the students as well as by the Faculty memebers.

Dr. Gurdeep Kaur

1 comment:

SikhsIndia said...

Thanks for uploading it. Pleased to know about the author from Belgium.